階層と破れ (coming soon)
hierarchy and fissure 2024

hierarchy and fissure
A small house built in a dense residential area in Sapporo. Despite its small size, a garage and earthen floor were required. Aiming to create a comfortable living space for two people in a limited volume, a three-dimensional hierarchical structure was considered to secure as much area as possible. In a densely built-up area with neighboring houses closing in, the rectangular outer skin was flipped up in order to guide light into the interior. This skin not only served as a reflector, but also became a tear that attempted to escape the constraints of the rectangle.
In this way, a space was first formed without assuming a specific function. Functions were then assigned later.
As a result of deliberately avoiding consideration of the whole (in a sense, almost blindly) and addressing each part in a literal way, a “design as non-design” emerged as the sum of the parts.